dedicate this post to people like me who loves the sea and
Strive to have it!!
In the past the choice of a destination I absorbed an excessive deployment time and energy: chicanery examined every organizational detail for hours, only to check on my arrival that the surprises and the disappointments I had saved, so gradually I changed the line.
Now I rely on coincidences. I callbudget, itinerary and approximate date and then send a statement in its entirety to an agency. For
Gasfinolhu was so, no idealization, only a combination of favorable factors.
And the surprise was not missing!

Here the contact with the sea is pervasive.
Small bungalows coral material are dominated by mangrove and coconut trees, luxury is not excessive but the warm and intimate.
To access the reef near the beach several hundred meters, is made available to the guests gifts twice daily.

In this way you can check the condition of the reef and Maldivian ninjos despite recent tsunami.
Silence, slow, color, contact with the underworld are particular emotions and well-being that pervades you return, leave you on its relaxing effects for many hours.
Anyone who is possessed, in a few days, a much slower pace of life and abandons the typical Western frenzy.
We prove an inner sense of gratitude toward life, you socialize with other guests and are built up a climate of fraternal complicity between all.

Silence, slow, color, contact with the underworld are particular emotions and well-being that pervades you return, leave you on its relaxing effects for many hours.

Anyone who is possessed, in a few days, a much slower pace of life and abandons the typical Western frenzy.

limits do not hesitate to dialogue and fun .... like a big family only.
The food was simple but tasty dishes like fish and exotic fruits and sweets but also above all the warm pudding are really tasty.
And so, like a string of pearls scattered in the ocean, The Maldives consist of 1192 islands remain one of the paradises on earth that still exist and recommend to all lovers of the sea.
From there go to see examples of each type: sharks, rays, moray eels and reef fish, while the timid turtle I rarely come close.

course, I love them!!
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