A Sunday 'black' in the oil stream and lake Garda
San Felice. It was not a huge loss, but a small stream and the lake still had to collect a blow yesterday as a result of an oil spill. It happened in San Felice, and the alarm has been launched in the late morning from some citizens concerned about the stench that came from rio Davenago.
Within minutes there was a mobilization to contain the wave represented by oil pollution, and as a first step, while absorbing barriers are placed along the bed of the river, it was thought that the fuel had been released from a former underground storage tank "Mollificio Brescia" closed for some time. It was not so, even if the source of pollution was still in the same area.
arrived on site the fire department of Salò, the local police Valtenesi, the coast guard, civil protection, staff and volunteers of a Garda on Lake Garda. "We just spoke with the local police - said the mayor Paolo Rosa - and we have activated all emergency procedures."
The origin of the stream? Behind the former Mollificio Davenago was clean, and some wells abandoned factory felt back a strong smell of diesel. So the firemen came in search of a possible leak, and to unravel in passageways have used the map of underground municipal technical office. Then, in late afternoon and with the collaboration of the company's environmental manager, was found the solution. Someone had entered illegally in a house unoccupied for years and directly bordering Mollificio, and had cut off water supply of the boiler resulting in the spillage of fuel.
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