Here we are together again to share a day of nature pregnant, you and me.
is not the first time but when it is as if it were.
We leave happy and eager to relive all those emotions.
usually begins to sing the song of the tables just climbed on the school bus, noisy and exhilarating as ever.
I rather composed and quiet I eat your joy and energy that you send.
This park seems to me the most beautiful views with you, despite having visited at least a dozen times.
The surprise of anyone who sees it for the first time it can infect the veterans to uncover the forgotten value.

Today my mistake was to impede your concentration giving a bad example ... yes because you are or what you do, that counts more than words express.
And you stay with m
and twenty-two hours each week you grow a little 'to my resemblance, for better or for worse.

So every time I left the group to take a picture, look for a branch or touch a tree, my tail is Ultras detached from the label to follow lessons.
"Teacher collect specimens, Anna looks at the skeleton of a leaf and tap the trunk of the tree of eternal sleep !!!!"
Your incessant avalanche of ideas generated in this green paradise, and I cheered your ability to taste to live in a free and Just what 'school experience in nature.

When we arrived to the area of \u200b\u200bthe marshes began the search for a frog Lataste symbols typical of the ecological area of \u200b\u200bthe Park of the Mincio.
Your loud shouting did not help her stay but luckily there h
wanted to reward the vision of giving us some small samples and even some tadpoles.

Every now and then darted free in a white stork sky as implemented here is a precise work of rebuilding that is producing excellent results and in the month of June and this leads to some new samples.
The story that struck you most was that of an impossible love between a wading bird species as opposed to other race "The servant of Bengal" was madly in love with a stork and follow it all the time, was adopted by the group in the protected reserve.
intense colors, scents of grass, fi
gold and moss everything was nice despite the rain imminent.
intense colors, scents of grass, fi

care of man hours these small businesses protection from environmental damage and this is very important for us all.