Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Do You Adjust Plugs When Tiling

Stefano Fassina: An alternative plan for growth Peppe Judge: fundamentalism post craxi

An alternative plan for growth Nenni advocated by the PCI and Morandi. This independent lines was taken over by a large majority, the PSI in 1957. It remained so until the early 80's. The same was certainly anti-German Social Democracy in against the Soviet and Chinese communism (short of socialism), but had a very different attitude to the PCI that despite its contradictions, was hailed as a positive development can gradually merged into the family of democratic socialism. The poscraxismo craxismo and not because there is a profound difference between the ideological and political positions of Craxi, De Michelis and postcraxiani than Martelli. Craxi was strongly opposed politically to the PCI but was not anti-communist ideology such as pelicans or Martelli. The juxtaposition of Craxi covered the topic of leadership on the left. He envisioned a united left under the guidance of PSI (and her). It also knew that the PCI was something very different from those to the east. But he criticized the slowness of the PCI that prevented immediately realize the alternative. Craxi was a deep anti-neoliberal: Direct public support for intervention in the economy, democracy and economic and industrial planning.
postcraxiano (where he distinguished himself obsessed with Pelicans) concealed a deep connection to the entire socialist tradition previous to the 80, including the first part of the secretary Craxi. Made mockery of the socialist project carried out by De Michelis and extraordinary Covatta had to do this goal. Eject

in fact socialism with PSI. Expel all that was critical of capitalism and the desire for social transformation without which the Left is not alive.

Many comrades must realize that a certain anti-socialism we hatched within us.

Then of course you have added the external one. Post-92.

The combined provisions of these two behaviors has led to the death of socialism in Italy. If there is a certain grave responsibility in having demonized Occhetto and the socialists (but they have also demonized Napolitano, Lama, Chiaromonte, the "best" because it regarded the PDS craxiani). Yes is often answered these demonizing recalling contrast to the substantial anti-socialism postcraxiano. Between Hammer and the rest Occhetto there were many similarities in their nuovismo.

why us "socialists for the left" we follow very different paths than postcraxismo (which among other things, has a terrible tendency integralism identity). We do not believe at all that all former PSI should be merged into a single party after the desirable end of Berlusconi. Not only can we unite with postcraxiani right but even with those of the center as Boselli and Nencini. We are another thing and another political history.

We can and must recover the thought Craxi's political staff. The fact that it is a controversial figure (objectively is) can not obscure the fact that his mind is still fully inserted in the autonomist tradition of socialism. There is more similarity between Craxi and Lombardi, not with Martelli. And more than that with current Bettino with Bertinotti De Michelis.

remember that the same Craxi said that the companions of the PCI did not have to ask to disown the past, but share the same future in democratic socialism.

A socialism which we call the many friends who are from PCI to rebuild it. No more fences identity of belonging, the least of which is the ps Nencini. In this small parties there

are still many good friends, many of which are in the network. And they are companions who express a clear disagreement with Nencini: Besostri, Anna Falcone, Carmelo Nucera, Lorenzo Edwards.

But the PS seems to have begun to walk the final stretch to the door between PD and UDC. The choice for the Third Pole made in Naples, the same hypothesis in Milan, show that inside there is no possibility of amending certain choices. Therefore I ask

fully respecting the autonomy of thought and evaluation of these talented fellows, if it is not appropriate to give a raft that goes to the wrong beaches. And I would also ask for a companion who does not know how Cefis Luca (secretary of Naz) and I have had numerous occasions to appreciate the positions and preparation.

But they should be the final word.

worry I do not want to enroll in SEL! But I think the network is put in clear collision course with the Nencini. Need this course to lead the fight to bring the left to reconstruct the most authentic values \u200b\u200bof true socialism autonomy Nenni, Lombardi, Basso Brodolini, Saints and Giolitti!




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