Renzo Penna: The consequences of federalism
Renzo Pen
Representatives of the Northern League have rejoiced in parliament after approval of the decree on municipal federalism. But apart from the device element and a flag on which Bossi's party aims to justify his stay in the government and support for a prime minister under investigation, the merits and consequences of this opening of federalism, along with the reduction of transfers Local Authorities, sets out to citizens of the most common taxes and fewer services.
Sounding the alarm about the effects related to the entry into force of the government decree - approved with yet another vote of confidence - is a study of the department Economic policies of the CGIL, which highlights why the general strike of May 6, focusing on issues of tax and labor. The search is expected to increase taxes for more than 16 million citizens. And to be affected will be, once again, the employees and pensioners of about 3,500 municipalities that have, suffocated by the cuts, the additional income tax increase. The municipal federalism provides for the possibility for municipalities to increase the tax on personal income. One option that is granted to institutions that currently charge an additional rate of less than 0.4%. In fact, the decree gives them a chance to annual increase of 0.2% to reach 0.4%. One possibility granted only to municipalities that have already breached this limit because many have already approved additional 0.4% higher and have the opportunity to increase nor the obligation of the reduction. This situation will result in fact provides the CGIL, "in an obvious consolidation of additional municipal every town in Italy with no prospect of tax savings for citizens and, above all, in quite disparate and unequal." Among
increases and no reduction, it is a measure that affects all municipalities. As a result of cuts made by the government last summer operation (equal to 1.5 billion euro in 2011 and 2.5 billion in 2012) municipalities will be forced to exercise this option to recover at least part of the revenue. Particularly those that are likely to increase the additional estimated 3500: 44% of the total. The possibility of such increase involves all regions, especially those with special status, Trentino Alto Adige (327 municipalities involved) and Sardinia (297 municipalities), while among those with an ordinary statute, the "peaks" are recorded in Lombardy (804 common), Piemonte (514 municipalities) and Campania (194 municipalities).
In the province of Alessandria, the provincial capital - along with House, Novi Ligure, Acqui Terme and Ovada - already have a 0.5% additional income tax, while Tortona Valencia even 0.8%. In these cases, no further increases are possible, but it is unlikely that there will be tax reductions and a descent to the roof by 0.4%.
from the elaboration of economic policies of the Department of National CGIL, the increase in additional municipalities in some major cities will be particularly significant. In Milan, for example, with the introduction of the municipal - that today there is - up to 0.4% in 2012, the increase for employees and pensioners promises around 120 € a year. In Venice, the same situation in Milan: the average increase, also for employees and retirees, would be about € 85 per year. In Verona, where already in 2010 at a rate of 0.3% (annual average about 64 €), an increase of 0.1% would be € 24 for workers and employees and retirees. In Florence (0.3% to about 67 euro annual average) the average increase would be 26 euro. In other big cities, like Turin, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Bari and Palermo, you already pay an additional charge (up from 75 € to 225 € in Palermo, Rome) higher by 0.4% and it becomes very difficult, In these conditions, even up to 0.4% in the coming years. As a result already from this year's municipal federalism will inevitably lead to more taxes, poorly distributed, and that will be borne mainly on fixed incomes and will then pay again the same. More generally, the release of additional will increase the tax burden on labor, already particularly heavy in our country, to the detriment of economic development and equity. This is because, not wanting, wall of government, change the current structure of the tax system, the broadening of tax bases to great wealth and financial returns, it becomes inevitable to increase the tax burden at the local level. The opposite of federalism really supportive, fairer and more effective. In this context
at higher risk for cuts Government is - with health and public education - especially the social and communal welfare. The effect of zeroing in national budgets, the reduction of transfers to regions and local authorities and the exclusion of welfare policies by the decrees of federalism, the welfare system in coming years is likely to be removed in much of the country. In particular for the provision of services, from drug rehabilitation, transportation for the disabled, the integration of migrants to services for children, from nursery to preventive services and social assistance, to end services for dependents, the prospects are very worrying. The law of stability for 2011 has, in fact, nearly eliminated social transfers to the regions.
The fund for social policies, historically the largest source of national funding, was initially almost zero and only the protest of the regions has led to add, for 2011 alone, 200 million (in 2007 the funds transferred to regions and one billion in 2010, despite cuts, 435 million).
The provision for the non-self-sufficient (400 million transferred to the regions in 2010) has not been refinanced. Similar fate struck the others: the fund for the family has fallen from 174 million in 2010 to 51 million in 2011, the fund for youth policies from 81 million to 13 million, the fund of 141 million rentals 33 million, the fund for the right to education, which amounted to 264 million in 2009, had narrowed to 99 million by 2010, would shrink to 25 million in 2011, a sum increased by 100 million, for 2011 only. The provision for the free books in the school (103 million in 2010) was initially set at zero and only then has done so for only 2011, with 100 million.
If federalism is not concerned with welfare policies and the financing of national social policies is lacking, since that was helping with a share around 20% at the expense of the regions and municipalities, this is leading to substantial paralysis of social services and welfare territory. The proof is, in our province, the failure of the Consortium for the welfare of the municipalities of the Valencian Cis huge debt incurred by the city of Alexandria against the Cissac: the body that should be of interest to the social services of the Alexandrian.
Alexandria, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Stefano Fassina: An alternative plan for growth Peppe Judge: fundamentalism post craxi
An alternative plan for growth Nenni advocated by the PCI and Morandi.
autonomy is not anti-communism: it is the peculiar function and self-consciousness of the socialist left in the distinction, but not in opposition to the PCI- The same was certainly anti-German Social Democracy in against the Soviet and Chinese communism (short of socialism), but had a very different attitude to the PCI that despite its contradictions, was hailed as a positive development can gradually merged into the family of democratic socialism. The
were contrary positions postcraxiani. Full confidence in the market and confusion between capitalism and modernization. The positions of support for the Biagi law, given not only by Sacconi, but Boselli and Nencini speak for themselves on the unity of thought (deeply anti-socialist) of postcraxismo. In fact, the anti
postcraxiano (where he distinguished himself obsessed with Pelicans) concealed a deep connection to the entire socialist tradition previous to the 80, including the first part of the secretary Craxi. Made mockery of the socialist project carried out by De Michelis and extraordinary Covatta had to do this goal. Eject
in fact socialism with PSI. Expel all that was critical of capitalism and the desire for social transformation without which the Left is not alive.
Many comrades must realize that a certain anti-socialism we hatched within us.
Then of course you have added the external one. Post-92.
The combined provisions of these two behaviors has led to the death of socialism in Italy. If there is a certain grave responsibility in having demonized Occhetto and the socialists (but they have also demonized Napolitano, Lama, Chiaromonte, the "best" because it regarded the PDS craxiani). Yes is often answered these demonizing recalling contrast to the substantial anti-socialism postcraxiano. Between Hammer and the rest Occhetto there were many similarities in their nuovismo.
why us "socialists for the left" we follow very different paths than postcraxismo (which among other things, has a terrible tendency integralism identity). We do not believe at all that all former PSI should be merged into a single party after the desirable end of Berlusconi. Not only can we unite with postcraxiani right but even with those of the center as Boselli and Nencini. We are another thing and another political history.
We can and must recover the thought Craxi's political staff. The fact that it is a controversial figure (objectively is) can not obscure the fact that his mind is still fully inserted in the autonomist tradition of socialism. There is more similarity between Craxi and Lombardi, not with Martelli. And more than that with current Bettino with Bertinotti De Michelis.
remember that the same Craxi said that the companions of the PCI did not have to ask to disown the past, but share the same future in democratic socialism.
A socialism which we call the many friends who are from PCI to rebuild it. No more fences identity of belonging, the least of which is the ps Nencini. In this small parties there
are still many good friends, many of which are in the network. And they are companions who express a clear disagreement with Nencini: Besostri, Anna Falcone, Carmelo Nucera, Lorenzo Edwards.
But the PS seems to have begun to walk the final stretch to the door between PD and UDC. The choice for the Third Pole made in Naples, the same hypothesis in Milan, show that inside there is no possibility of amending certain choices. Therefore I ask
fully respecting the autonomy of thought and evaluation of these talented fellows, if it is not appropriate to give a raft that goes to the wrong beaches. And I would also ask for a companion who does not know how Cefis Luca (secretary of Naz) and I have had numerous occasions to appreciate the positions and preparation.
But they should be the final word.
worry I do not want to enroll in SEL! But I think the network is put in clear collision course with the Nencini. Need this course to lead the fight to bring the left to reconstruct the most authentic values \u200b\u200bof true socialism autonomy Nenni, Lombardi, Basso Brodolini, Saints and Giolitti!
An alternative plan for growth Nenni advocated by the PCI and Morandi.
were right by history. But they were never anti-Communists. And always believed that under the full political and cultural autonomy of the PSI is a positive relationship with the PCI was still essential for the growth of democracy and social achievements.
This independent lines was taken over by a large majority, the PSI in 1957. It remained so until the early 80's. postcraxismo, namely the process of ideological and political decay that has affected the Italian socialism in the second half of the 80's, and which resulted in both the phenomenon of "right-wingers" with the PDL is more moderate form in forziste first and third instances third-Poliste then (Nencini and Boselli), was a serious attempt to remove all theoretical and practical politics and social history of prior years 80. I'm talking about
poscraxismo craxismo and not because there is a profound difference between the ideological and political positions of Craxi, De Michelis and postcraxiani than Martelli. Craxi was strongly opposed politically to the PCI but was not anti-communist ideology such as pelicans or Martelli. The juxtaposition of Craxi covered the topic of leadership on the left. He envisioned a united left under the guidance of PSI (and her). It also knew that the PCI was something very different from those to the east. But he criticized the slowness of the PCI that prevented immediately realize the alternative. Craxi was a deep anti-neoliberal: Direct public support for intervention in the economy, democracy and economic and industrial planning. postcraxiano (where he distinguished himself obsessed with Pelicans) concealed a deep connection to the entire socialist tradition previous to the 80, including the first part of the secretary Craxi. Made mockery of the socialist project carried out by De Michelis and extraordinary Covatta had to do this goal. Eject
in fact socialism with PSI. Expel all that was critical of capitalism and the desire for social transformation without which the Left is not alive.
Many comrades must realize that a certain anti-socialism we hatched within us.
Then of course you have added the external one. Post-92.
The combined provisions of these two behaviors has led to the death of socialism in Italy. If there is a certain grave responsibility in having demonized Occhetto and the socialists (but they have also demonized Napolitano, Lama, Chiaromonte, the "best" because it regarded the PDS craxiani). Yes is often answered these demonizing recalling contrast to the substantial anti-socialism postcraxiano. Between Hammer and the rest Occhetto there were many similarities in their nuovismo.
why us "socialists for the left" we follow very different paths than postcraxismo (which among other things, has a terrible tendency integralism identity). We do not believe at all that all former PSI should be merged into a single party after the desirable end of Berlusconi. Not only can we unite with postcraxiani right but even with those of the center as Boselli and Nencini. We are another thing and another political history.
We can and must recover the thought Craxi's political staff. The fact that it is a controversial figure (objectively is) can not obscure the fact that his mind is still fully inserted in the autonomist tradition of socialism. There is more similarity between Craxi and Lombardi, not with Martelli. And more than that with current Bettino with Bertinotti De Michelis.
remember that the same Craxi said that the companions of the PCI did not have to ask to disown the past, but share the same future in democratic socialism.
A socialism which we call the many friends who are from PCI to rebuild it. No more fences identity of belonging, the least of which is the ps Nencini. In this small parties there
are still many good friends, many of which are in the network. And they are companions who express a clear disagreement with Nencini: Besostri, Anna Falcone, Carmelo Nucera, Lorenzo Edwards.
But the PS seems to have begun to walk the final stretch to the door between PD and UDC. The choice for the Third Pole made in Naples, the same hypothesis in Milan, show that inside there is no possibility of amending certain choices. Therefore I ask
fully respecting the autonomy of thought and evaluation of these talented fellows, if it is not appropriate to give a raft that goes to the wrong beaches. And I would also ask for a companion who does not know how Cefis Luca (secretary of Naz) and I have had numerous occasions to appreciate the positions and preparation.
But they should be the final word.
worry I do not want to enroll in SEL! But I think the network is put in clear collision course with the Nencini. Need this course to lead the fight to bring the left to reconstruct the most authentic values \u200b\u200bof true socialism autonomy Nenni, Lombardi, Basso Brodolini, Saints and Giolitti!
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MILAN, PLANNING, BUSINESS AND UNITS OF ITALY Counter or the judiciary? Guido Martinotti
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MILAN, PLANNING, BUSINESS AND UNITS OF ITALY »Blog Archive» news and politics
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Peedee Christian
The recent "Reform of Justice", regardless of its epoch-making represents a change of strategy and behavior of the majority, which requires an articulated reflection point by point.
Gim Cassano
In fact, the Government's proposal is not found anything that could be specifically related to the vicissitudes of the Papal court, unless the general conception of the role of the judiciary and the prosecution. And we must also consider how the two key points of this proposal can not in itself be considered as subversive of the constitutional foundations of the rule of law. The autonomy of the Judiciary is not challenged by the fact that judges are held responsible civilly for their errors with guilt and is not challenged by the fact that the separation functions between PM and judges may correspond to a separation of careers and bodies.
I do not think then, that opposition does not intend to set aside a conception of justice can be ensured, in the name of separation of powers and independence of the Judiciary, to fall into the trap of challenging such as the introduction of separation careers and responsibilities of civil magistrate would not be understood by those who still believes that a reform of justice is necessary, namely, almost all of the Italians, who would eventually conclude with a resounding "at least we tried this." Meanwhile, it should be noted that this is not a justice reform, but much more prosaic and practical, a Reformation or Counter Reformation, the Judiciary, and is limited to purely criminal aspect. Nothing is been predicted could lead to the reduction of process times and nothing, if not the fear of the judiciary to be called to pay and not appellabilità of acquittals would alter the rights of the accused or the plaintiff (and what would happen Rights if it considers it unjust acquittal in the first instance?), nothing enables faster preliminary investigations, rather the opposite would happen and, if possible, with even fewer safeguards for the suspect.
The authoritarian system is revealed when looking to circumvent the general principle of mandatory prosecution, states that this remains valid unless the priorities determined by ordinary laws, ie by Parliament. Being openly appeared excessive harm this, it is preferred that the violation of ordinary law, on the grounds that it is for political not judicial courts, but the political seat of the representatives of the people, namely the Parliament. And finally, it announced the serious distortion of the relationship of direct dependence of the judicial police to the public prosecutor, intended to be limited by ordinary law, and the related possibility to the police to proceed with investigations and without self-control of any magistrate, what guarantees for the ordinary citizen is easy to imagine. In practice, employed by agencies of the Ministries of Interior, Defence, Finance, will carry out independent investigations against anyone, without answering to anyone. But we really think that independent investigations of police or State Police can offer a citizen any more guarantees than the present ones, and that should not be directed in those directions where the government and not an autonomous body, attach greater importance or urgency?
E 'latter aspect that reveals the true extent of the so-called reform antigarantista "epochal." In fact, it irrelevant in terms of effective reform of the justice, it is geared solely to the prosecution policy of taming the political control of the executive and away from them and monitoring the availability of the necessary tools to fulfill their task. who is convinced of what should carefully consider how to define its own way to oppose this "reform" on pain of not being able to rationally justify its position, as stated, the fruits are not poisoned in the abstract concept of separation of careers: are downstream, in the manner in which these are implemented, in that space that lies between the general principle and constitutional and the ordinary law.
Gim Cassano (14-03-2011)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Aspergers Wilmington Nc
As a configurator can 'help reduce time to market by 60%

E 'really be reduced by 60% the time to market for custom products?
The answer is yes. Indeed, in some cases, the results are even better. Before going into details of "how" and the "what" is worth spending a couple of lines on the context.
Like all modern companies know (perhaps I should say, as they know all the companies survived ....) the key competitive variable in the modern market is the ability to offer customers products tailored (custom, in fact).
The main consequence of this trend is the Mass Customization. The increase, ie the variety of products offered, without compromising on quality, short delivery times and costs.
To achieve this goal, among others, the systems configuration type KBE (Knowledge Based Engineering ) or KBC (Knowledge Based Configurators ), are one of the most important technologies.
But what are the elements that lead to results so stunning?
Modern technology, in this case the Cloud Computing make it accessible to everyone (both with a proper internet connection ...) hardware resources (CPU, RAM, HD) and software virtually unlimited. In addition, the evolution of development tools and related frameworks, has made possible the development of applications that can take advantage of these technologies.
The combination of the foregoing, the modern KBC / KBE automate processes in a way unimaginable even a few years ago.
The following example is related to a U.S. company ( Arc Inc.) designs and distributes equipment for the semiconductor industry.
The traditional process, pre KBC, was as follows
- The commercial collects demands of the customer (in a document or a draft drawn by hand ...)
- Requests are sent (or physical ports) to the 'technical area .
- The technical specifications used to build a model, aimed to estimate
- The budget is sent to ' sales office
- The business converts the quote into a' customer offer
This process requires a huge manual work and, depending on the type of product, it can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks.
The example refers to a specific company but is easily adaptable to many manufacturing companies, including Italian (perhaps, especially Italian ...).
Using a tool KBC powered cloud (and web interface ..) the process can be drastically improved .
In this case the solution is used KBMax developed by Citius Corporation.
- area sales inserts product specifications in the web during the first meeting with the client
- The configuration file is processed in real time
- are undertaken 3D CAD models ( independently of the type of CAD) are generated together with quotes and offers.
Everything is available online within minutes or, at worst, a few hours.
The previous process, slow and inaccurate has been replaced by an automatic rapid and effective. Many
intermediate steps have been eliminated or improved.
The waiting time for potential customers has been dramatically reduced (in this case and for some product lines, as much as 90% )
At this point, say, all companies should it!
Of course there are only "pro".
But the "cons" are primarily legal cultural factors (those who adopted these solutions in the past often did not obtain the expected benefits .... but the technology was not adequate ...).
From technical point of view the difficulties are mainly linked involved the integration of different systems (CAD, ERP, CRM ...) and this has impacts on costs.
Looking ahead, however, it is reasonable to think that, bringing even the traditional systems in the cloud, integration costs will decrease and these solutions will become accessible to a growing number of companies.
KBmax by Citus Corporation
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