Gliding slowly in hot water while I was training in the pool, including a stroke and another, between a tank and a slow speed, in the prime of my youth, I used to fill my mind concepts :
and I thought I was swimming, swimming, learning
swam and sang
fact, sometimes I reviewed the lessons of Latin, or I thought of the last pieces of Vasco or Renato but frequently reflected on my nebulous future.
At that age, you know, you can not clearly outline so it is feared immensely.
So I used to bombard with questions .... my young coach requires effort enormous technical aspects of reconciling with other humanities.
"Where are we going?"
"What is the meaning of everything?"
"The way we build it or is it already defined?"
I remembered a few days ago reading the book Flight of Fabio, "A place in the world"
where you will find a wonderful metaphor for life:
the illusion of 'tram driver

The driver of the tram seems to drive the tram,
that master of the medium. In
Actually he just accelerates and brakes.
There is a binary
maximum speed and can decide the timing of stops.
These are in fact already pre
and do not expect much change.
study, work, marriage, children and the terminus.
Life programmed to function only to stop and start over.
But the worst thing is that the man still has the illusion of driving their own lives.
Nothing to say, F. Flight is very efficient, friendly and ingenious.
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