I will always hate Valentine's Day ... as all occurrences controlled and even more so the pseudo-parties such as the business background of Women, Life ... Peace or birthdays ... none of this makes sense to me.
No need to celebrate love, the importance of respect for all life or the Earth ... are existential principles that must be protected always, every moment, every moment of your time and location, and this in a completely independent from every creed, model or line of life is being taken.
For this reason I shared the unconventional and ironic given the WWF to spend Valentine's Day to an animal as the sender choosing my little hamster.
But something did not work.
When I returned home late last night did not come out as he usually did his tunnel to greet me and when I went by I found him sleeping with the nose between her paws .. still, numb ...... ......... dead.
was just a little mouse, I know .... all over again but still WAS MY LITTLE MOUSE, what life had given me ....
Like all my things that I never asked for wealth, beauty, goodness, perfection had only one value, was living with me rejoicing of his liveliness and his courage.
had breakfast together in the morning and followed me everywhere when you put it into transparent ball around the house, raided through my hair if I was sitting and dusting baseboards often when he was completely free to walk along the side perimeter of the room.
Gourmet Christmas cookies and milk Plasmon certainly stupid beyond measure, but very very soft.
convince myself that I would let go of something or someone away is not the worst thing that can happen in life but will be repeated thousands, millions and billions of times before you succeed ..
Fuck February 14!
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