Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Meaning Of Friendship Bracelets

MONIGA. Judgement considers illegitimate the hangar

MONIGA. A controversial story that kicks off again in 2005

Judgments of the Tar, "Unlawful hangars built in the port '

The Superintendency of Brescia won the day in action against the Tar hangar built in the port of Moniga. On May 31, 2007 the City Council has authorized a limited liability company to carry out the underground warehouses, to be devoted to storage of boats. But two months after the Superintendent has annulled the decision, arguing that the intervention had been performed illegally, and, therefore, it was an amnesty illegal. In November, the town has so ordered the evacuation of the premises, then withdrew the measure, pending the ruling hour filed. The story began again in 2005. After sending a complaint to log in for the construction of the hangar, the environmental expert of the Town Council had given its consent, by requiring to increase the thickness of the topsoil to replant the tree species exist, and vary the height as much as possible to follow the natural slope of the terrain. Following the town hall asked the new private documents, including design drawings to date. The work was also carried out during 2006. The City granted a certificate on Dec. 7 and another in May 2007, both annulled by the Superintendent, and the subject of the hearing. "The environmental expert's opinion is a simple act of investigation - now says the Tar, before which also consists Italy Nostra - and not a kind of implicit authorization at the beginning of the work." And, with regard to the amnesty, you must take a different path by acquiring in advance and ensure the binding of the Superintendent, which in this case must go into the. (SZ 01/04/2009)


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