Organizing Committee
Today millions Italian to read all the newspapers the names of the 113 best Italian seaside resorts, awarded the Blue Flag in the list but Lake Garda is absent, zero "flags". One setback for the second consecutive year.
You can not talk today about a loss, because even last year the European Federation for the Environment, Fee, had revoked the only flag Garda, one of Sirmione, which had been for years topped the hit parade of places rewarded for their quality of waters, beaches and services related to tourist accommodation.
SIRMIONE and the Riviera del Garda words were deleted all at once.
Mayor Maurizio Ferrari for now prefers not to comment The news, which certainly is one of those that left their mark, as tour operators and the people were always able to hoist the blue flag. Even if Ferrari do not want to talk about for now, postponing his every comment with a statement that will within a few days, the main reason for the non-arrival of the recognition does not lie so much in the rejection of its coastline, because after all the beaches have always been rewarded Sirmione ASL, as in not adhering to the announcement.
It seems that the origin of this choice there are reasons to spend because the evaluation criteria, according to a very short comment by the mayor of Sirmione, from this year were even more stringent in past years and it is therefore necessary to put hand to new services.
AMONG OTHERS, Sirmione has not yet made the island green (its opening is planned for later this month) and, therefore, could not under any circumstances ask for the blue flag, which also requires very specific services related to the processing waste.
does not seem worried that even the community of the Garda, the voice of its Secretary General Lucio Ceresa, notes that "even if there are places on the Garda with the European flag, the overall quality of services in both the public and the private sector, remains high as the rest has just confirmed the other day the chairman Matteo Marzotto Enit, speaking on Lemon. "
Ceresa, also notes that "the 125 beaches in the entire basin of Lake Garda for many years, except for occasional exceptions, they are swimming."
The overriding criteria for the award of the flag are the absolute validity of the beaches, the efficiency of wastewater treatment, presence of pedestrian and bicycle paths, and other parameters.
Maurizio Toscano
Sirmione (Brescia) - "No palm trees, Sirmione is Alassio. Luca Rinaldi, superintendent of the architectural heritage and landscape of Brescia, has no doubts on the lake side of the peninsula of Sirmione there 'is no place for the palm trees. So the pine trees of Catullus are safe. All 'early February' s municipal government had passed a resolution to the makeup of Viale XXV Aprile, the avenue that runs along the lake from the castle to the city center. In place of the 'shadow guaranteed by the typical "hats" of Pinus pinea green space would have found 118 trees (at a cost of € 300 000 already budgeted). But the 'niet' arrived before the Superintendent of the gardeners. "These pine trees are a heritage of the city - says Rinaldi, thinking about how Sirmione would change the landscape of palm trees if they had found a place on the lakefront -. For this reason we have blocked the project. L 'administration was not able to explain the reasons of' killing the pines. In the coming months will show a landscape architect a solution that takes account of our observations. " The actions planned by the city they left in mid-February, with the 'killing of three trees at' entrance on Viale XXV Aprile. Rinaldi continues: "The pines were killed not because battered and sick, but just to refresh the look of the promenade. In City Hall had chosen the palms because they are less expensive to treat. Reasons too general to remove a piece of history of the lake. Our engineers, in fact, they found images of 1950 where the green hats were already thriving. " Now it's up to Pandakovic Darko, landscape architect, to find an alternative to the palms, without providing for the 'removal of any tree. The pines were planted on the banks of the lake in the middle of last century and in recent years have become the symbol of the Garda along with holm oaks, cypresses and olive trees. "Even the 'eye wants its part - said the superintendent -. The pines provide shade and, at the same time treat for the eye. The palms, however, would have been a false note. Pandakovic, who has studied the 'landscape impact of the ski slopes of the Tonale and Pontedilegno must enhance the lake starting right from the pine trees that had to be killed. " The Committee also claiming victory environmentalist who for years fought for the enhancement of the lake and the Sirmione peak Gro. The volunteers, together with our Italy, in February he had pointed the finger at the palm trees seeking the 'intervention of the Superintendent. "Fortunately - says Laura Simon, spokesman for the committee - we were right. Have been rejected not only the palms, which would have married the little lake, but also the work of the walk that would wipe the reed beds of Punta Gro. Lake Garda is a wealth of everybody that can not be ruined by the shortsightedness of a few ...». Joseph Spatola Spatola
Page 10 (May 5, 2009) - Corriere della Sera
E 'was presented last March 13 in Torri del Benaco, the Charter of Lake Garda, In conclusion of the conference on "Environmental issues of Lake Garda. A Councillor promote environmental policies and signed by Count Gian Carlo Royal
Insights and suggestions for improvement "promoted by the Veneto Region, together with Ansac (National Association for the supervision and control). The understanding of the program was proposed by the regional environmental policies Gian Carlo Conte, on behalf of colleagues in the Lombardy Region and the Autonomous Province of Trento, absent institutional problems, proceeded to the signing of the program.Editorial Gardanotizie.it
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is alarmed by the devastation of the reeds in Sirmione and Desenzano, essential parts of a delicate ecosystem is essential for the lake waters and wetlands for the life of many species of fish and birds. These days we are finishing the testing arranged by the provincial Environment Mattinzoli Henry. The surveys conducted by the technicians of the assessor from the local police control of the town of Sirmione and from the center of environmental significance in the City Council made it possible to verify that in the case of yard Via XXV April there was the actual destruction of much of reeds and have identified the perpetrators; regarding the reeds in loc. S. Vito, are an ongoing series of investigations.
The episode occurs in the area reported in Desenzano raft made it possible to ascertain the actual damage to the cane field, the checks are going to trace those responsible. 'Based on the forecasts of Law March 31, 2008 - explains the commissioner Mattinzoli - which provides for the protection and conservation of small wild fauna and flora and natural vegetation, which prohibits the damage and destruction of reed beds, the heads of offenses are punished with an administrative fine of 500 to 4,000 € as well as the related administrative and criminal penalties in cases where the facts have led also a fault on the protection of the landscape. " The department also reminds the recent discussions concerning the activities of assigned management, maintenance and preservation of reed beds (a total of 55 thousand euro): € 27 thousand in Sirmione, Desenzano 14 000, 9 000 and 500 € in Moniga, about 3 thousand to 800 € Padenghe. (P.GO. bresciaoggi.it January 3, 2009)
The Superintendency of Brescia won the day in action against the Tar hangar built in the port of Moniga. On May 31, 2007 the City Council has authorized a limited liability company to carry out the underground warehouses, to be devoted to storage of boats. But two months after the Superintendent has annulled the decision, arguing that the intervention had been performed illegally, and, therefore, it was an amnesty illegal. In November, the town has so ordered the evacuation of the premises, then withdrew the measure, pending the ruling hour filed. The story began again in 2005. After sending a complaint to log in for the construction of the hangar, the environmental expert of the Town Council had given its consent, by requiring to increase the thickness of the topsoil to replant the tree species exist, and vary the height as much as possible to follow the natural slope of the terrain. Following the town hall asked the new private documents, including design drawings to date. The work was also carried out during 2006. The City granted a certificate on Dec. 7 and another in May 2007, both annulled by the Superintendent, and the subject of the hearing. "The environmental expert's opinion is a simple act of investigation - now says the Tar, before which also consists Italy Nostra - and not a kind of implicit authorization at the beginning of the work." And, with regard to the amnesty, you must take a different path by acquiring in advance and ensure the binding of the Superintendent, which in this case must go into the. (SZ bresciaoggi.it 01/04/2009)