Priam to arrive in Cork did not even know who he was. One day I went to Gallagher's Pub in Maccurtain Street for lunch with my classmates to English and I was struck by the inscription at the entrance that had just explained that the pub is named after Rory Gallagher. One evening I was with friends
Bodhran NA, in St. Oliver Plunkett, and I attended the exhibition of a live musician who occasionally announcing some songs of Gallagher. I must say that I did not mind.
For those not familiar and want to know something more, I suggest you visit the page dedicated to him on Wikipedia .
To understand its importance in Ireland and Great Britain just read this:
Rory Gallagher died on June 14, 1995 at the age of 47 years. The day of his death stopped the Irish all the television programs, even the BBC. His funeral was broadcast live nationally.
Below is a video of his song, which I chose because it also offers some pictures of Cork, although dated. I posted the video
nelal right column and will be the soundtrack to the blog for the next time.
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