Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Do Races Get Rid Of An Overbite

Banquets in Desenzano for collecting referendum signatures "water common good"

Sunday, May 23, from 9 am to 13 in Piazza Malvezzi and revolver in via di Vittorio;

Saturday, May 29 from 10 am to 12 noon in Piazza Concordia in St. Martin;

Sunday, May 30 from 9 am to 13 Revolver and 9am to 12 noon in Piazza Grezze A: Moro

Sunday, June 6 from 15 to 18 hours at the Park Lake;

Sunday, June 27 by 9 am to 13 in Piazza Malvezzi and Revolver.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How Humid Should The Leopard Gecko Be


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Tavina Operation: Forza Nuova blitz against the cement

The movement of the extreme right "choices to the detriment of society '

banners to denounce controversial three interventions were exposed yesterday in Salò, Gardone Riviera and Toscolano by militants of Forza Nuova, section Brescia. And on Saturday 15, from 17 to 20, rally in Desenzano, to denounce the speculation on the lake.
"We have chosen three situations symbol, Tavina, the village and the area under +39 It Gardone Riviera - Zattoni says Paul, the leader of the area - in which local politics has abandoned the defense of territory and environment, to for a financial return in the form of infrastructure costs. In practice this case is selling off areas and supporting the speculation. All this in spite of the already serious traffic, sewage and waste disposal, and the already huge number of vacant houses. "
Tavina to Salo on the transaction, yet to achieve the position of Zattoni is this: "We demand respect for the existing volumes and the inclusion of the project spas, with hotel and spa, such as to have a return of tourism and environmental protection adjacent green. "(SZ

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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route from Delta to enjoy or savor life

mentally I was provoked to think about the difference between the meaning of and enjoy enjoy life.

What subtle difference implied that famous humanistic psychologist when he delivered these words?

lexically the two meanings are very similar, but concealed that this definition subjective perspective?

I suppose the word "enjoy" etymologically derived from the Latin Gaude: pleasure, enjoyment ... may also evoke a kind of mental reaction in memory of unnatural practices or potentially dangerous to humans.

A possible and probable active engagement by the individual states of pleasure in experiencing unnatural involve a move from a static equilibrium in terms of the need to project itself beyond oneself, to another location and then to potentially inappropriate or dangerous to the person .
Being a speech aimed at young teenagers, I intavisto as implied by some of today's most common abuses: "Alcohol, substances ...." surely seen by young sources of entertainment but whose harm is also known to all.

Enjoy life certainly has an impact hearing more elegant and complete ..
although it also hooks semantic with pleasure, it gives the impression of being more legitimate impact.
And as enjoy a delicious fruit "refers to the slow and savor aware of a precious thing, so life must be accorded to an enormous value for each positive or negative experience it offers.

serious and relaxed attitude, commitment to meet the challenges without ever being dramatic, a peaceful balance, are the states of the soul are more favorable.

So let us learn together and enjoy one of our imperfect but only life ....


Thursday, May 6, 2010

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SOS GARDA for public water

SOS Garda adheres to the referendum which is opposed to privatizzaizone water service.

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Each time a new person comes into our life

change our path

we modify

and in the exact moment each "Other" comes

we're not the same as before.


every little leaf that falls into the great river


and that river is no longer the

same river before.
R. Bondavalli